Hello friends! My name is PJ Condit and I’m from Round Rock, Texas and I serve at Community Christian Church (CCC). We were blessed to visit Eagles’ Nest this summer to spend a week serving alongside all of the great people that the Lord has brought together to serve the children and community there.

Last summer was the first time that CCC sent a team to Eagles’ Nest…we were thinking we would send a team every 2 years…but the team came back and said, “We are going back next summer!” This trip was my first time to visit Guatemala and my first time to see the orphanage, school, and church at Eagles’ Nest.

God assembled a team from CCC with many different talents – JD and Lacy came to provide dental services, Heidi came last summer and came again this summer to teach Lego robotics, and Kim brought some great curriculum to share with the mamas in the orphanage to help equip them for all the different experiences they have in raising up the kids at Eagles’ Nest.

I’ve been able to travel and see some awesome parts of the world. From age 5 to 10 I lived in Holland and my family took vacations and trips all over Europe. I’ve seen the UK, Norway, down to Greece, and everything in between. But none of that prepared me for were richly blessed by God’s creation and in meeting new people! It reminds me of Proverbs 11:25 (one of my life verses!) – “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed!” Thank you Lord for this great promise and the satisfaction we receive in serving others and giving ourselves away.

We were greatly encouraged to see all of the ways that EN is serving the community, beyond the orphanage and school. The Manna feeding program was a great chance to see the life-impacting ministry of EN. The meals that are provided for the neighborhood kids are changing lives and bringing nutrition to children in need. I pray that those children will see God’s provision for them!

The church gathered on Wednesday evening and I was able to share a few words with the church with Larry Boggs helping out with translation! I shared a few verses from Ephesians 2 about how Paul longed to see unity in the church… “for Christ himself is our peace - He has made us into one!”

Since I preach most Sundays, I wrote out my message before we left Texas, so that when we came home on Friday, I would be ready to preach on Sunday morning! The last scripture in my sermon notes was Matthew 13:44 - “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” God did an amazing thing…on our last day at EN, a family from Solola brought a baby girl to the orphange who had been found in a field! At that moment I hadn’t thought about my sermon notes, but when I came home and prepared to preach, I saw what God had done!

Baby Andrea was that treasure in the field! And praise God for the outreach of Eagles’ Nest that Andrea now has a family of 50 brothers and sisters, mamas and papas, and even Churro the beagle, to help show her the great love of God.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure in a field! God saw His treasure, you and me, helpless and homeless, and He sold all He had, gave His very life, to make that treasure His own. As Andrea grows up and learns the story of her rescue, I hope that she makes God her treasure! May you also pursue the Lord with every ounce of your being! For you were found and bought with great love!