Our ministry here at the Nest is more than orphan care. Many times we are ministering to our staff and to our visitors on short term mission teams. In reality, not everyone that comes on a mission team is a “Super Christian” and sometimes they come and they have never even really read the Bible or been to church. So it is our job to minister to them and show God’s love through us and through our ministry and pray that every person that walks onto our property leaves a changed person, whether they know God or not.

The day in/day out work with our kids, we pray that it will be used for God’s glory and God will use one of our kids to reach someone that is either lost, stuck or on the fence and has questions.

Over the years, we have had several people come to know the Lord as their Savior while visiting at the Nest and others have gone home to take the next step into believers baptism.

We want to share with you a testimony from our friend Jean that came down on a trip and was reached by our kids and changed his whole life around after he left.

The verse Matthew 28:19 says "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.” doesn't just apply to adults or to people going into missions to foreign countries….God can use any ONE of His children to reach a lost soul right where you are right now.

You can watch and listen to Jean’s testimony below!

Be blessed!